Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Assignment code: BCSL-013
Note: This assignment has ten questions of 80 marks. Answer all the questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams, printouts of the solutions to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation Section I: PowerPoint Assignment Question 1: 10 Make a Presentation for a Travel agency which would include the following topics: • Introduction on the Agency and its management • International Destinations • European Tours • Australian Tours • Asian Tours • Airline Information along with Fares Question 2: 10 Imagine that you are a Business development Manager in a software products company which has workflow management software. Create a presentation for the senior management which will present to them the Annual Sales and Revenue figures for the current financial year along with details on new prospective clients for the new financial year. Section II : Outlook 2007 Question 3: 5 Imagine that you are a Senior Consultant in an IT company. Initiate a Project Meeting between you and your Managers to discuss the different projects and their status details. How will the managers respond to you to accept or reject the meeting? Also book the conference Room and reserve other resources required for the meeting? Write all the options available in outlook to fulfill the scenario? Question 4: 5 In the above scenario, assuming that one of the managers is on leave on that particular day of the meeting and wants to reschedule the meeting. Is it possible to do this? If yes, how will this be done? Write all the options available in the outlook to fulfill the scenario? Section III: Browsing and Discussion Forum Question 5: 5 a) Open Internet Explorer. Add www.espncricinfo.com and www.Doordarshan.com to your favourites under two different folders. Now open Chrome and import your favourites from Internet Explorer. b) Set Chrome to always show bookmark bar. Note down the steps you followed. c) Change the default location (My Documents) where the browser downloads all the downloadable files. Set the browser to always ask where to save each file before downloading. Question 6: 5 Go to www.google.com. Select ‘Advanced Search’ option. a) Search for ‘latest information technology industry trends’. After initial search include ‘latest in software research’ OR ‘software thought leadership’ to the search criteria. b) Search for ‘Top Global Banks’ by technology, leadership, revenue, market and capitalization. Search for such banks in Europe. Question 7: 10 Collaborate online (in a group) on Google Docs to create a presentation on ‘Evolution of Cloud-Based Services’. All in the group should work on the presentation simultaneously from their respective machines. Use speaker notes for any online discussions. Section IV : Word Processor Question 8: 10 Create a Word document and type the text as given below. The headings, footer, formatting and layout should be as given in the following sample. The above sample text has been taken from the Organizational Research Paper by James E. Bartlett, Joe W. Kotrlik and Chadwick C. Higgins. Question 9: 5 Assume you are in the hiring department of a company. You need to send out appointment letters to multiple candidates, each with a different joining date. Create a single appointment letter and use mail merge to customize it with each candidate’s name, address, joining date and last date to accept the appointment Section V: Spreadsheet Question 10: 15 Create a new workbook with three worksheets named as “Super Store Sales”, “Region Wise Sales Report” and “Region Wise Profit Chart”. (i) Create table in Super Store Sales worksheet as shown below: You may use any Sales and Cost Values. Calculate the Profit as (Sale minus Cost) using Excel Function. (ii) Using the above data, create a Region wise Sales Report in the next worksheet. The report should look like as below: You will need to copy the data from previous worksheet to new worksheet. Remove or hide unnecessary columns. Sort the data region-wise and product category-wise. The Sales and Profit values should already be there. Add Region wise Total row and calculate the Region wise Total Sales and Profit using Excel function. (iii) Create a Region Wise Profit Chart in the next worksheet. The chart will be based on the above data only and will look like below:
Download "BCSL-013" fully solved assignment from here.


Course Code: BCS-011 Note: This assignment has three questions of 80 marks. Answer all the questions. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words. Question 1: (30 Marks) (Please give precise answers. The word limit for each part is 150 words) (a) Explain the different generations of computer? List some of the applications areas of computer. 4 (b) What is Von Neumann Architecture? Explain the functions of different components on von Neumann machine. Why is a computer known as data processor? 4 (c) Explain the purpose of a motherboard in a computer? 2 (d) Explain the need of ASCII and Unicode? 2 (e) What is need of memory in a computer? Also explain the need of a memory hierarchy. 2 (f) Explain with examples, the different types of main memory in computer systems. 2 (g) What are different input/output (I/O) devices in a computer? Explain any two output devices. 4 (h) What is a port? Differentiate between serial and parallel port. 2 (i) What are different types of PC? Explain the configuration of a PC with the help of an example. 4 (j) What is software component of a PC? Explain use of Disk Defragmenter utility Software. 4 Question 2: (25 Marks) (a) Why do you need Computer Software? What are the software trends in the present time? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Open Source Software? Make a list of at least three useful Open Source Software that are used in Software development. List the basic features of each of these software. 4 (b) What are the problems that can be caused by a Computer Virus? How can you protect you system from Computer Virus? 4 (c) Why do you need an Operating system for a Computer System? Compare and contrast the following Operating systems: 5 (i) Batch Operating System versus Multi-programming Operating system (ii) Network Operating System versus Distributed Operating System (d) Make a list of three operating systems (please include only one operating system for one Software Company). List the important features of these operating systems. 3 (e) Explain the following in the context of Programming Languages with the help of an example: 4 (i) Statements (ii) Assignment Operation (iii) Hierarchy of Operators (iv) Arrays (v) Functions (vi) Subroutines (f) Compare and contrast the functions of a Compiler and Interpreter. 2 (g) List at least five features of the following application software. Also give names of at least 2-3 popular software that are used for that application. 3 (i) Project Management Software (ii) Spreadsheet (iii) Database Management System Question 3: (25 Marks) (a) You are asked to design a network for a Distance Learning University. This network is to be used for the purpose of maintenance of records of the students and online delivery of learning contents. Assume that the network designers have proposed to have LANs at each study centers which are linked to the Regional Centers through a WAN. Answer the following questions in this context: i) What are the different network media that may be used for this network? Give reason for selection of various media. 2 ii) What topology will you suggest for the LANs in the network? Justify your answer. 2 iii) What are the different network devices that will be used for this network? Explain the function of each of the device that you suggest to use. 4 (b) What is a URL? Find the URL of the Results page in the Student Zone of IGNOU web site. Explain each component of this URL. 2 (c) Find the IP address of the device through which you are connected to Internet service provider. Also Find the IP address and Subnet mask of your Computer. Is the IP address of your computer is address of a private network? Explain the term DNS and its purpose. 3 (d) List the functions of an email and chat clients on the Internet. 3 (e) What are the different security threats when you are connected to Internet? What are the suggested ways of controlling security problems? 3 (f) What are the different features required in an e-learning platform? How wiki helps for the generation of contents in a collaborative manner? 3 (g) Find at least two collaborative projects that are presently popular on the Internet. Give the objective of each of these projects. Also find one good blog about “Programming” and state why in your opinion is an important feature of this blog. 3 Download the answers of question number 1 from here and question number 2 from here. Question number 3 will be available soon.


IGNOU’s School of Computer and Information Sciences (SOCIS) has revised their syllabus for the students who are getting enrolled in June 2011 onwards. Students already registered in BCA (pre-revised syllabus) up to January 2011 admission session would continue their studies in the same syllabus and no change from BCA (pre-revised syllabus) to BCA (revised syllabus) would be permitted. You can download BCA ( Revised Syllabus) Programme Guide here for more information.

IGNOU BCA New / Revised Syllabus 2011 and Program Structure

Semester Course Code Course Title Credits
I FEG-02 Foundation Course in English-2 4

ECO-01 Business Organization 4

BCS-011 Computer Basics and PC Software 3

BCS-012 Basic Mathematics 4

BCSL-013 Computer Basics and PC Software Lab 2
II ECO-02 Accountancy-1 4

MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming 3

MCS-012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming 4

MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics 2

MCS-015 Communication Skills 2

BCSL-022 Assembly Language Programming Lab 1

BCSL-021 C Language Programming Lab 1
III MCS-014 Systems Analysis and Design 3

MCS-021 Data and File Structures 4

MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems 3

BCS-031 Programming in C++ 3

BCSL-032 C++ Programming Lab 1

BCSL-033 Data and File Structures Lab 1

BCSL-034 DBMS Lab 1
IV BCS-040 Statistical Techniques 4

MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming 3

BCS-041 Fundamentals of Computer Networks 4

BCS-042 Introduction to Algorithm Design 2

MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web Design 2

BCSL-043 Java Programming Lab 1

BCSL-044 Statistical Techniques Lab 1

BCSL-045 Algorithm Design Lab 1
V BCS-051 Introduction to Software Engineering 3

BCS-052 Network Programming and Administration 3

BCS-053 Web Programming 2

BCS-054 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques 3

BCS-055 Business Communication 2

BCSL-056 Network Programming and Administration Lab 1

BCSL-057 Web Programming Lab 1

BCSL-058 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab 1
VI BCS-062 E-Commerce 2

MCS-022 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management 4

BCSL-063 Operating System Concepts and Networking Management Lab 1

BCSP-064 Project 8
Download BCA ist semester revised syllabus assignment question papers download from here.